Bespoke Investor Database

Create your own custom Investor/LP/Founder Databases...

Today, I am revealing how we were able to build the largest LP/Investor database in world...

(600,000+ VCs, Family Offices, PEs, Institutional Investors, Angels and Funded Startups).

You will be able to do the same with our...

Bespoke LP/Investor Database Creation Blueprint (BIDCB)

The single most important tool we use is the data extraction/enrichment A.I. software.

This software enables us to identify, scour, and extract granular LP/Investor intelligence and contact details from dozens and dozens of online databases and platforms.

First, we direct the software as to the specific type of investor, location, and any critical attributes we are looking for.

Next, we validate and refined the data that the software produces.

At this point, we can now interact with our list of LPs/Investors/Founders (via Email, Phone, or through Linkedin).

If e-mail is the preferred outreach mechanism, we have two options:

Option 1) interact in a systematic, highly-personalized 1-to-1 basis (significantly slower, but higher response/conversion rate) with our target audience.
Option 2) interact "at scale" via an automated, moderately-personalized basis (infinitely faster, but lower response/conversion rate) with our target audience.

Both options can be incredibly effective if used within the right context.

Lastly, we again use software to create a "pipeline of interest" so we can organize and track the stages our of interactions and capital raising efforts.

Here's what our Step-by-Step Bespoke Blueprint is designed to do:

• Enable you to find ANY type of investor or LP, from VCs, FOs, PEs, Angels, and Institutional Investors, in ANY location.
• Enable you to acquire GRANULAR investor descriptions, theses, website addresses, decision maker roles.
• Enable you to acquire email addresses, LinkedIn profile URLs, and phone numbers, facilitating multi-channel outreach.
• Give you clear, detailed and up-to-date descriptions of contacts and companies without searching Linkedin for hours.
• Give you sizeable, uber-targeted lists can be built quickly via this process, increasing the efficiency of fundraising efforts.
• Enable you to validate and assign LPs/Investors to categories and stages by using embedded A.I. features.
• Enable you to interact with every contact (either through a 1-on-1 method or through an automated "at scale" method).

Our BIDCB strategy can be up to 3X-10X more cost effective when compared to other data providers like, Pitchbook, Preqin, and/or Fintrx AND it provides a higher degree of data-control, flexibility, and data "freshness".

To amplify the effectiveness of today's offering, our BIDCB also includes:

The Ultimate Capital Raising Blueprint (our Comprehensive guide to raising funds through FOs, LPs, VCs, PEs, HNWIs, UHNIs & Angels)
• Our Contrarian Linkedin Growth Blueprint (enabling you to maximize your influence and fundraising reach on Linkedin)
• Our Virtual Assistant Acquisition & Management Guide (enabling you to delegate all the "techy" and marketing tasks)

Critical Notes about the BIDCB / Software Costs

• All of the software that I recommend, I use myself.
• I've been evaluating software to help investors and capital raisers for the past eight years, I don't get a commission, cut, or kickback from any referrals. I'm not an affiliate or partner. I recommend what works.
• Each software that I propose using has their own pricing structure, benefits, and drawbacks.
• The cost of the foundational data extraction/enrichment software runs about 3 cents per records. Cost per record drops as volume increases and cost goes up for smaller lists of data.

• The data enrichment/extraction A.I. software gives you the opportunity to test/experiment with 750+ free enrichments (at no cost).
• The automated outreach software runs about $100 per month and the 1-to-1 email interaction CRM runs about $20 per month.

Popular BIDCB Use Cases

USE CASE 1) You are currently raising capital for a fund or startup and you want to expedite, broaden, and gain more control and flexibility of the fundraising process.
USE CASE 2) You are currently using high-cost Investor/LP data providers and your aim is to lower the cost per record or contact.
USE CASE 3) You are looking to enrich/amplify/update/complement in-house Investor/LP datasets.
USE CASE 4) Your current Investor/LP data is not targeting the exact Investors/LPs you want.
USE CASE 5) The "freshness" of your current Investor/LP data is suspect.

Here are A Few Example Databases You Can Create with the Extraction/Enrichment Software

• example database..."Single Family Offices in London (or NY, or Germany, or California, etc.)"
• example database..."Venture Capital Firm Intelligence (Descriptions, Theses, Investing Sectors) with Portfolio Companies"
• example database..."Private Equity Firms in Europe that have a focus on Fintech, Martech, Biotech, etc."
• example database..."Recently Funded SaaS Startups"
• example database..."Angel Investors from the United States who focus on EdTech"
• example database..."Multi-Family Offices in the United States"

Summing Up

The BIDCB Value Proposition

Our BIDCB is valuable because you'll be able to compile an UNLIMITED number of Investor/LP/Founder databases. You can direct the Software/A.I. to uncover granular investor attributes that match your fundraising goals. The cost of acquiring this data is 3X-10X less expensive than big box data providers.

The BIDCB Product Contents:

• Comprehensive Foundational Extraction/Enrichment A.I. Software Tutorial
• "At-Scale" E-mail Outreach Software Tutorial
• 1-to-1 E-mail Interaction Software Tutorial
• Email Validation Software Recommendation
• Email Reply Rate Optimization Excel Checklist
• Cold E-Mail Optimization Checklist

& you'll also receive our supplemental materials to help amplify your capital raising results:

• The Ultimate Capital Raising Blueprint (Include our Family Office Fundraising Guide)
• Contrarian Linkedin Growth Blueprint
• Virtual Assistant Acquisition & Management Guide

Today's Flash Sale Cost for the BIDCB with Discount Code= $945 (Sale Ends 8PM Eastern Tonight)



We also offer the BIDCB with full setup + training

• full software setup (we'll set up and customize the software to fit your specific needs).
• we'll provide you and/or your internal staff with an hour-long training session to ensure optimal performance.

Today's Flash Sale Cost for the BIDCB + Setup+ Training with Discount Code= $4,995 (Sale Ends 8PM Eastern Tonight)

(for the BIDCB + Setup + Training, we'll be reaching out to you via e-mail between next Wednesday July 10th and Friday July 12th to schedule the particulars. If you do not hear from us by then, please email


Buy BIDCB + Setup + Training

Remember, today’s sale ends at 8:00 PM (EST) 7/05/24

Brian Ortiz | CEO Falcon Scaling
123,000+ Linkedin Followers | PH. 646.389.3259

Falcon Scaling

Enhancing Decision Making for Investors, Finance Professionals, Founders, and Fund Managers

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